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One last kick at the can

It’s snowing and I have so much to do. Work or play? Well, judging by the folks I met in the lift line I am thinking we are all on the same wavelength — get it while it’s good, as we only have a few weeks left.
B.C. VIEWS: Going Gaga over smart meters

B.C. VIEWS: Going Gaga over smart meters

New approach to math instruction

Change. Whether we like it or not, change is an aspect of life that we all deal with. The same is true of education and schools.

Les dernières nouvelles à l’école des Sept-Sommets

What kind of paper burns fastest? What do plants like to drink? Will the seeds from the tomato in my refrigerator grow if I plant them in a pot? These were just a few of the questions asked and answered at the science fair held at l’école des Sept-Sommets on Feb. 23.

A reminder of the power of teamwork

Interested in running for Rossland city council?

Thinking about running for council? An informative workshop, hosted by Mayor Greg Granstrom, will help to give those considering a position on council a clear understanding of council’s roles and responsibilities and the impact the duties of office will have on their life in general.

RSS creates something far too rare in today’s society: a sense of place

I travelled up the Rossland hill on a dark, snowy, and dreary Wednesday evening to attend one more school board sponsored community meeting. The meeting did not produce much of what I had not heard before. What impressed me about the meeting was the energy, passion, and open-mindedness of the some 200 residents of Rossland who attended the meeting.

Youth Cafe newest component of alternate high school program

We currently operate the Castlegar Jr. Alt. Program, the District School Meals Program and now the Youth Café (name and logo contest now under way) out of this site which is located on 3rd Avenue in downtown Castlegar.

LETTER: What that social activist really said

A busy week!

It has been a busy week! I’ve finally had time to get back out on my cross-country skis; I forget how much I love the sport! It’s been hard to fit it in with all the ladies snowshoeing I’ve been doing, however now it is over, it is time to mix it up.