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Passion and unity shown at meetings

Well Rossland, you certainly came through at the two meetings last week! It’s very clear that we are all passionate about our kids, their education and our community.
B.C. VIEWS: Time to enrich poverty debate

B.C. VIEWS: Time to enrich poverty debate

Careful planning will help minimize disruption

A close look at the numbers

At the last school board meeting on Feb. 21 Jennifer Ellis presented to the board a critique of the Facilities Report the district released in the fall.

Hip-hop dance classes on now

Spring break is coming up soon! The two-week break from school falls from Monday March 14 to Friday March 25. We have several gymnastics camps planned for March 16 and 17.

Democracy requires action and awareness

Democracy is not an armchair pursuit. It is a belief in each citizen’s heart that they have a responsibility to, and a role in, their community’s future.
Christy Clark has a long road to unity

Christy Clark has a long road to unity

Put it to a referendum

A while ago in Rossland, there was an open forum between city staff, councillors and the public. One of the clear messages was a promise for more open government.

Share tax burden fairly

Your Jan. 27 editorial “Taxes and Grants” says that we need engineers’ drawings of the existing systems and potential modifications, (for the Columbia / Washington upgrade project.) This is putting ‘the cart before the horse.’

The case for RSS as a K-12 school