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Rossland volunteers make the world go around

Some say money makes the world go around. In Rossland, it is clearly the volunteers.

Volunteer contributions are the bedrock of our mountain kingdom.

Some say money makes the world go around. In Rossland, it is clearly the volunteers. You only have to look at this week’s local newspaper, or any local newspaper for that matter, and you will notice that it is filled with stories featuring volunteers or generously giving community members.

Take this week’s Rossland News for example. The winter carnival operates only due to the help of over 200 volunteers and benevolent local business donations. The Miners’ Hall renovations are being largely coordinated by the Rossland Council for Arts and Culture, another volunteer organization with endless amounts of giving back to their community. The community support does not stop there. Following a recent house fire, the Milburns are getting back on their feet thanks to the warm hearted local community. Library activities, including this week’s gingerbread house decorating, are made possible thanks to the help of volunteers. Rossland may one day have its own skate park thanks to countless hours of fundraising and donations from passionate altruists.

There are also many local volunteers and volunteer groups who rarely make an appearance in the news. Their social contributions are so widespread and on-going that as a community, we become complacent about the magnitude of their contributions. But it is every one of these humanitarians that weave the social fabric into the hearts and minds of our community and make it the wonderful place that it is.

There are too many volunteers to list here, but we all know who they are and the organizations they represent. They operate without the motivation of recognition and for this we are so appreciative.


From the Rossland News, we would like to thank all of Rossland’s volunteers and hope everyone enjoys a safe and happy Christmas.