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Nick Lang’s Story: The tragic and preventable death of a teen in government care

Nick Lang’s Story: The tragic and preventable death of a teen in government care

Parents drop lawsuit against provincial government to focus on making positive changes
Couple who met on Air Canada flight get Valentine’s Day gift

Couple who met on Air Canada flight get Valentine’s Day gift

Kelowna - Air Canada is giving the pair a trip to Paris
17 dead, suspect identified in Florida school shooting

17 dead, suspect identified in Florida school shooting

Police say suspect is a former student
Alberta girl, 10, dies from injuries sustained in school ski trip

Alberta girl, 10, dies from injuries sustained in school ski trip

Young girl passes away after collision at Castle Mountain Ski Area
Trudeau vows ‘rights-based approach’ to Indigenous affairs

Trudeau vows ‘rights-based approach’ to Indigenous affairs

Prime Minister plans new legislative framework towards stronger rights and greater control
B.C. Catholic priest has five kids and Pope’s blessing

B.C. Catholic priest has five kids and Pope’s blessing

Father Dean Henderson is new pastor at Sooke church
Ottawa delays B.C.-Ottawa child care funding deal amid heightened pipeline dispute

Ottawa delays B.C.-Ottawa child care funding deal amid heightened pipeline dispute

Tensions escalate between Alberta and B.C. over Kinder Morgan expansion
Man trying to sleep in ATM vestibule in Nanaimo causes disturbance

Man trying to sleep in ATM vestibule in Nanaimo causes disturbance

Officers were called to a downtown bank on Feb. 2 at about 3 a.m.
Public memorial to be held for couple killed in Highway 3 accident

Public memorial to be held for couple killed in Highway 3 accident

A joint celebration of life will be held on Saturday, Feb. 17, at Western Financial Place
Toys, toothbrushes leach toxic metals onto beaches: SFU

Toys, toothbrushes leach toxic metals onto beaches: SFU

Every piece of plastic that reserachers found in Burrard Inlet was contaminated