The School District 20 board of trustees have chosen new representatives to the BC Public School Employers’ Association (BCPSEA) and the BC School Trustees Association (BCSTA).
At a school board meeting on Dec. 15, the SD20 board of trustees held their election of officers for 2017 (specifically from Dec. 15, 2016 up until the first December meeting in 2017), but for the most part things stayed the same as they were in 2016.
Teri Ferworn (Area I and part of Area J) remains chair of the board and Rosann Brunton (Castlegar and part of Area J) remains vice-chair.
There were only two changes: Toni Driutti (Warfield, part of Area B and part of Area J) has been elected as representative to the BCPSEA, taking over from Ferworn, and Darrel Ganzert (Fruitvale, Montrose and Area A) has been elected representative to the BCSTA, taking over from Driutti.
“We spread the work around this year,” Ferworn said of the changes. “I’m so happy.”