Rossland city council had a packed house at its July 10 meeting.
A public hearing was held for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2810 for 2010 and 2052 Phoenix Ave.
The applicant asked to rezone one whole parcel and part of another parcel currently zoned R-1 Residential to R-1I Residential Infill.
The city received one written submission in opposition of the proposed rezoning, and no one spoke on it at the hearing.
• A second item for consideration was an application for a Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2812 - Lot 2 Old Red Mountain Road.
The applicant would like to rezone the lands on Old Red Mountain Road from R-1R Rural Residential to CD-3-RHP Resort Holiday Park.
Red Mt. Resort president Don Thompson expressed approval of the project, saying it would add to the community’s accommodation diversity, but asked that the owner have a buffer between the campground and residential homes.
Both proposed bylaw amendments will be presented for third reading and adoption at the Aug. 10 council meeting.
• During public input period of the regular council meeting, Rossland residents expressed concern over the cutting down of large conifer trees at Rossglen Park.
Resident Melanie Mercier spoke about the environmental benefit healthy trees bring to communities.
“Thirty-eight trees offset about one ton of CO2 per year,” said Mercier.
“My ask is for trees in Rossland to be respected and protected. If a tree looks like it requires to be cut, there should be a tree assessment from a reputable arborist.”
Two other residents also shared Mercier’s sentiment, disappointed that the trees were cut down and removed, asking that council consult residents before taking drastic measures.
City manager of operations Scott Lamont later clarified to the Rossland News that the city removed two trees from the Rossglen Park because they were unsafe due to disease.
He added the city may remove another that is in an unsafe location by the swings, and is also showing signs of becoming a hazard.
• Several residents shared concerns over potential changes to the short-term rental (STR) bylaw at Red Mountain and a part of Redstone that would change the resort designation to residential.
The June 19 motion directed staff to draft an amendment for the Official Community Plan and the Zoning Amendment Bylaws potentially restricting STRs to permanent residents only.
• Delegations led by Thompson from Red Mt. and Tourism Rossland executive director Andras Lukacs presented their respective cases against the STR motion and how it would impact tourism and present and future investment.
After much discussion, council rescinded the motion and directed staff to engage in further consultation with short-term rental stakeholders over the coming months. See story at
• The Recreation Fees and Charges Bylaw No. 2811 was read for a second and third time with a proposed 10 per cent increase in facility usage and rental fees across the board. The city originally budgeted a total of $236,000 for recreation, a 10 per cent increase would put it at $259,000 for 2024-25.
Staff responded to council’s query about the bursary program, and that although largely unused, the program was still in place and accessible for residents needing financial help to access recreation facilities and programs.
Staff will consider expanding the bursary program in coming years.
• The following policies were reviewed and approved: Employee Rules & Regulations, Employee Step Discipline, IT Acceptable Use, Anti-Racism, and Respectful Workplace.
• Council passed a motion to award Metro Motors Ltd. a contract to build and supply a replacement utility service vehicle for $238,000, and also increase the budget by $38,000.
• Council approved a request for a new sculpture from Rossland Council for Arts & Culture (RCAC). Although already in place, the city gave an okay to the “Thinking Outside the Box” rotating sculpture on the corner of Washington Street and Columbia Avenue.
• RCAC also received approval for the temporary installation of eight Adirondack Chairs, two at the Rossland Public Library, four at Nickleplate Park and two at a location to be chosen by staff.
• Council also approved requests for the use of various streets, parks and trails for Golden City Days, the Fall Fair and Huck en Berries Jam events Sept. 9 and 10.
• Mayor Andy Morel congratulated Rossland’s financial department and chief financial officer Mike Kennedy for receiving the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA).
• Residents are encouraged to go online to to peruse the comprehensive staff reports for the City of Rossland and Mayor Morel’s RDKB director report.
The next Rossland council meeting will be Aug. 10, 6 p.m., at Miner’s Hall.
Mayor Morel also announced that the September council meeting is expected to be held at the new City Hall at Rossland Yards, barring no unforeseen delays….
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