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‘Jerry the Magpie’ book signing at Trail mall

Kingsley Hill at the Crockett Book Company Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Kingsley Hill will be at Crockett’s Books at the Waneta Mall on Saturday, Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. for a book signing of his novels Jerry the Magpie and The Further Adventures of Jerry the Magpie. Photo: Submitted

“Out of heartbreak comes victory!”

These are the words of Kingsley Hill, author of Jerry the Magpie. The autobiographical novel is set in the countryside of South Wales with Hill the main character to his pet magpie, Jerry.

A coming of age story, the bird is a special friend that comes into Hill’s life as a teenage boy, and fosters a unique and unusual friendship. Jerry the Magpie helps the teenager overcome a gang of bullies and find a secret treasure. But the greatest gift that Jerry the Magpie gives the boy is help him find the courage to be himself in the face of tyranny and abuse, which profoundly affects Hill and those close to him.

“Jerry became the schoolyard hero, showing us all the perfect example of friendship and acceptance,” writes Hill. “Whether you lived in Sandy Lane or came from a middle or upper class family, he broke all the barriers down. Jerry was the friend of the friendless, and the biggest advocate for anti-bullying there was.”

The narrative of Jerry the Magpie will provide solace and inspiration for those who have experienced bullying and abuse in their lives and be a revelation for others.

“My grandmother said that nature can calm and soothe the human spirit, and reflect peace, just like it did with Olivia and I this evening. As we watched the sparkling waters of the Pennard Pill winding its way to the waiting arms of the open sea, we felt its waters stealing away our spirits to a place of wonderful peace.”

Kingsley Hill will be at the Crockett Book Company in the Waneta Mall for a book signing on Oct. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.