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Councillors, staff get ‘generous’ travel stipends

Council approved a "personal expense and travel policy" for city employees, council members, and appointed officials that addresses confusion with the previous policy and models itself on a similar policy used by the RDKB.

Council approved a "personal expense and travel policy" for city employees, council members, and appointed officials that addresses confusion with the previous policy and models itself on a similar policy used by the RDKB.

"All reasonable costs associated with the hotel" are covered by the policy, or $50 per night if private arrangements are made, for example at a friend's house.

Up to $80 per day may be claimed for food.

Coun. Kathy Moore said the policy "seemed pretty generous," and Coun. Hanne Smith was more direct: "I am used to travelling on no money at all and being very frugal."

She wondered if it were necessary to give "such a generous per diem if they're also getting food money."

Car allowances run at $0.52 per kilometre, and "the most cost effective method of travel" is encouraged and reimbursed.

Infractions and unnecessary expenses are not covered, nor are costs for a spouse or partner.

Despite Moore and Smith's minor reservations, council supported the policy unanimously.