A campfire in downtown Trail sparked a call to the local RCMP detachment the first day of 2022.
The complaint of a small fire on Bay Avenue came into the Trail police station just past 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 1.
An officer responded and extinguished the flames with snow.
The fire — started in the 1500 block of Bay Avenue — was close to a structure, Sgt. Mike Wicentowich reports, adding that this close proximity posed a risk of the flames spreading to the nearby building.
A second fire was also lit over the weekend in a separate incident.
It was also extinguished with snow by a RCMP officer.
Due to the cold weather, more fires are expected in the downtown area.
Wicentowich asks the public to immediately report all fires to Kootenay Boundary Regional Fire Rescue 250.364.1737 or the Trail detachment at 250.364.2566.
Read more: Arson suspected in fire near the Old Trail Bridge
Read more: Police looking for tips to suspicious fire in downtown Trail
Read more: RCMP asking for witnesses to downtown Trail fire
Read more: Quick response douses brush fire in downtown Trail
Read more: Police investigate ‘suspicious’ fire in downtown Trail restaurant
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