I drive over the Columbia River on a regular basis and at this point it has simply become part of the scenery. No longer do I see it as a majestic river that created the pacific northwest as we know it. This changed after taking a trip with Columbia River Power Rafting. The business, which offers rafting, fishing, site-seeing and day charter tours, brings the Columbia River alive through a totally different angle. “I don’t think one-tenth of a per cent of Trail has been down the river like this,” Power Rafting owner Gary Crombie said. After arriving at the Gyro boat launch our tour group was driven to Scotties Marina, just outside of Robson, to begin our wet and wild trip. After leaving Scotties Marina, the tour goes into the Keenleyside Dam where the boat goes into the locks and descends 60 feet to match the water level of the Columbia River beyond Robson. For those who have never been in a dam lock, the locks lower you to the level of the river on the other side of the dam. It is truly an amazing experience. “It is like being in the bat cave,” Crombie said. As the tour progressed past Castlegar, Crombie spreads his knowledge of the history of the Columbia River, pointing out several interesting facts. An old boat launch for paddle-boats was pointed out by Crombie, along with several interesting tidbits about lands once used by natives in the area. At one point, the group saw large amounts of rocks lying along the hillside. Crombie explained that this was due to the early settlers removing rocks from their orchard fields and rolling them down the hill. Along the river, if you are lucky, you will be treated to several eddies that adds to the overall excitement of the experience. After a four-hour trip, that goes by very fast, the tour ends back at the Gyro boat launch. The fishing and rafting tours run by appointment only. To book a trip down the Columbia River call 364-2922.