This week, we look back to the Jan. 24, 1975, edition of the Trail Daily Times, which kicked off a new, short-lived regional event called the Columbia Valley Winter Festival.
The festival was a showcase of unique winter sports and indoor activities from the Beaver Valley to Rossland.
Indoor competitive events included bowling, racquetball, squash, handball, broomball, basketball, and badminton.
Outdoor competitive events including hand gliding/kite flying, bowling, mixed relay races, curling, cross-country skiing, snowmobile races, snow golf, snowshoeing, and a snowman/ice carving contest.
Organizers also offered some cultural and family events, like youth sports and club demonstrations, music concerts, tow rides, and dances.
Naturally, a traditionally Bavarian Gardens was also on offer for those of suitable age.
The mayors of the region’s five municipalities also competed in the Columbia Valley Mayors’ Race, whereby each mayor skated across the rink during the local skating club ice show holding a lit candle.
The goal was to make it to the other end without extinguishing the flame.
Participating were Mayor Lewis of Fruitvale, Mayor Henke of Montrose, Mayor Elmes of Rossland, Mayor Lakes of Trail, and Mayor Muzzin of Montrose.
The winner was Mayor Henke of Montrose and “dirty tricks” were employed by all.
Pictured here just prior to official judging of the Snowman and Ice Sculpture Contest is little Yvonne Minor of Riverside Avenue in Trail.
The Jaycees (Junior Chamber of Commerce) sponsored this event, providing $150 in prizes for the winner and special mentions.
At left is Trail Mayor, Chuck Lakes, holding Yvonne is Peter Hemmes of the Jaycess, and far right is Miss Trail, Daune Sandulescu.
All acted as judges.
Top prize went to the Sutherland children on Ritchie Avenue in Tadanac.
Second prize went to Denise Visintini and Laurianna Volpatti of Annable. Third prize was awarded to Susan Smith of Warren Lane.
Bobby and Michael Heslop were awarded a prize for the largest snowman, at 10-feet tall.
The committee even awarded consolation prizes to six children, as their creations collapsed judges could assess them.
Do you remember the short-lived Columbia Valley Winter Festival, which seemed to be held for only one more year?
Sarah Benson-Lord manages the Trail Museum and Archives and Visitor Centre.