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Retirees Curling: Four-ender propels Hall rink to victory

'The first five ends of the Cal McKerracher vs Dan Ashman tilt were a thing of beauty . . .'
Tom Hall slides out of the hack in Retirees curling action.

In Trail Retirees Curling, the game between Alvin Caron and Murray Walsh saw two double takeouts by the Caron side keep the score close after three ends. 

Leading by one going into the fourth end Walsh takes singles in the next two ends. Not to be out done Caron takes two pair in the sixth and seventh. Down by one Walsh draws the four foot for two and the win, make the final 7-6.

The first five ends of the Cal McKerracher vs Dan Ashman tilt were a thing of beauty, that McKerracher lead by one. The reckoning came in the fifth end when the McKerracher side missed all eight shots.

However the Ashman side could only score three. McKerracher came back with two in the seventh to tie the game.

Without hammer McKerracher stole a pair for the win, 8-6.

A shorthanded team Forrest Drinnan was in tough against team Bruce Noble. In the first end Bruce made a nice raise to the four foot for three. Forrest found himself forced to difficult shots end after end. The game was conceded after six ends by the Drinnan side, down a lot to nothing.

Team Serge Pasquali took two in the second and stole two in the third and looked to be in control against team Tom Hall. Team Hall took three in the fourth and looked to be back on track. Catching all the breaks team Hall put up four in the fifth to force Pasquali to go all out offence in the next three ends.

Team Hall kept the pressure on and stole their way to victory