“The Kootenay Community Council is a group of people who work to break down barriers to inclusion and help make a difference in the lives of the people with diverse abilities,” begins Ben Postmus, Kootenay Community Council member and founder and executive director of Diverse Family Roots Society.
The Kootenay council is one of 13 community councils across the province that are part of Community Living BC (CLBC), Postmus explains.
“CLBC is the government agency that connects adults with developmental disabilities to the funded services and community support they need to live a good life.”
Members of the Kootenay Community Council have planted maple trees in East and West Kootenay towns and cities, including Trail, Montrose, Warfield, Fruitvale, Salmo, Nelson, Castlegar, Nakusp, Kaslo, Grand Forks, Creston, Kimberley, and Cranbrook.
The maple tree was chosen because of its strength, resilience and beautiful ever-changing colours.
“This tree symbolizes the roots that persons with diverse abilities have planted to keep our community solid and inclusive,” adds Postmus.