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Using cupcakes to raise funds for abused and neglected animals

Using cupcakes to raise funds for abused and neglected animals

Tails Pet Supplies and Services in Rossland is hoping to raise $500 for the Trail Branch of the SPCA through a one-day event this Saturday.
Drawing in the young crowds to the Rossland Museum

Drawing in the young crowds to the Rossland Museum

Last week the Rossland Grade 4 class participated in the children's version of the program Mining and Moguls: Rossland's Ski Story.
Leave a forwarding address

Leave a forwarding address

The Rossland Chamber of Commerce is looking to make its third move in four years and was looking to the city for help.
A major donation

A major donation

The Rossland Health Care Auxiliary donated Thrift Store proceeds of $17,942 to purchase new equipment at KBRH.
Edith Nee's family, friends appealing for kidney donor

Edith Nee's family, friends appealing for kidney donor

Nee, former chair of the B.C. Press Council, was diagnosed with kidney failure two years ago.
A hair-raising solution

A hair-raising solution

Electric fencing will soon have some new conditions imposed after city staff drafts and council adopts a proposed zoning bylaw amendment.
In the Spirit of Olaus

In the Spirit of Olaus

The Spirit of Red Society has donated $500 to the Carol Enns Foundation, to help Carol's road to recovery.
Out with a whimper

Out with a whimper

Warm and dry was one way to describe the weather in Rossland for January.
Rosslanders advised to keep their personal information safe

Rosslanders advised to keep their personal information safe

A scam involving fraudulent communications purported to be from Canada Revenue Agency has been circulating the area.
Rossland welcomes Carshare Co-operative

Rossland welcomes Carshare Co-operative

It’s been a little over a year since the Energy Task Force of Rossland’s Sustainability Commission thought about a carshare for Rossland.