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Trust your instincts, find your path and follow it

The following is the text from the principal’s message given to students by Terry McDonnell:
Terry McDonnell

The following is the text from the principal’s message given to students by Terry McDonnell:

Let me first remind moms, dads and grads about some numbers:

• 8 days — to the last day of classes

• 16 days — to your last high school report card

• 88 days — to the start of ‘Life after RSS’

• 1998 — kindergarten

In 1998, the year, Titanic became the highest-grossing film, taking in more than $580 million and won 11 Academy Awards that year. Seventy-seven-year old senator John Glenn, the first American to orbit the earth, returns to orbit the earth in the space shuttle Discovery. In June of 1998 gas cost 52.4 cents per litre.

And, I can talk to you about grads. Actually, soon to be four of them! What have I learned from them?

Remember — I’m a baby boomer — so I grew up with the TV and phone. Nothing fancy, right?

First thing I have learned: How do you say PLC – personal line of credit!

Secondly, I thought I was learning some great stuff like emailing and texting until I realized they no longer had to stand in front of mom and dad to ask for money; they could text or email us asking for it!

And thirdly: Have you heard this one lately on TV?  “In five years you can retire but in five years will you be able to?” Nope, I’ve done the math and with four grads, I can retire when I’m 92.

What am I really saying? Yup, too many kids and we’re broke!

Would I wish for anything different? Not on your life!

Where did the time go!? Wow!

Yup! They’re about to be out on their own now. You know what I say: “Yeah right; they know how to find you. You can run but you can’t hide! My dad’s first thing he used to ask us when we came visiting was: “How long are you staying?”

So between my four grads they have had 15 different jobs. One continues to work at Ferraro’s, one is working on his first year in the machinist/millwright program, one looking to start his electrical apprenticeship in October and one continuing his chemistry degree back east in Ottawa.

You will all take a different path — 45 of them!

You have heard about friendship, about family, following your dreams and one part of your life coming to an end — now the next step: finding your own path.

Wherever you choose to start, that’s the right spot. Remember: you have to start somewhere and then move on. Don’t worry about where you’re going; you’ll figure it out. Be patient!

Along the way talk to your parents, your friends. Listen to them. Use their advice and  make it work for you. And the successes — share them with your parents, your friends!

But be who you are. Be true to you. Trust your instincts.

And remember — we are a text message away.

Thank you.