In preparation for attending school at the kindergarten to Grade 9 school site in September, 2013, the following transitioning opportunities have been scheduled to help students get better acquainted with their new school setting.
The former Rossland Secondary School building will begin playing host to 10 grades in the fall, with six of them coming from the former MacLean Elementary School.
Friday, June 14 at 2 p.m. – Grade 5 students (parents welcome) will go over for Grade 6 orientation.
Monday, June 17 at 11:45 -2:15 p.m. – All of MacLean (K-5) students and staff will spend the afternoon getting acquainted with the new school. Please note lunch will be provided for students on this day.
Wednesday, June 19 at 3-4:30 p.m. – Open House for all Rossland K-5 parents to go and get acquainted
with the new school.
Renovations to prepare the site for the new students will take place over the summer.
Due to the transition being made to the Rossland K-9 school site, the last day of school for all students will be Tuesday, June 25. School will dismiss at the regular time of 2:40 p.m. on that day.