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Mission impossible Kootenay style

West Kootenay Annual Nite Trek Event annual event held on May 3-4.

On May 3-4, the 107th Baden Powell Guild along with the members of the 1st Beaver Valley Venturer Company, hosted the annual West Kootenay Nite Trek. This is a joint overnight event for the Scouting and Guiding youth ranging in age from 9-18.

This year the event was held at Beaver Creek Kiwanis Park and was co-sponsored by Columbia Basin Trust and the Trail Kiwanis.

Most of the day on  Saturday was spent with the organizing team setting up the challenge course. After lunch, the units began to arrive and set up camp around the picnic area.

The opening ceremonies took place at 4:00 p.m. with over 80 youth and 35-40 adults in attendance, representing 1st Nakusp Cubs Scouts, 1st Nelson Cubs and Scouts, Nelson Girl Guides, Pathfinders and a couple Rangers, 2nd Rossland Cubs and Scouts, 1 Rossland Guide, Trail Girl Guides, Beaver Valley Girl Guides, and 1st Beaver Valley Cubs, Scouts and Venturers.

The rest of the day and early evening was taken up with mass preparation meetings to organize the station people and our security people to ensure that everyone would be kept safe all night long.

On site were security patrols, first aid attendants, station workers, and the administration team who had to know where each team was at all times.

The Trek began at 8:30 p.m. and the first of 22 teams, armed with head lamps and rain gear,  set out with their instructions.

Each team had to accomplish seven challenge stations along the 2.5 hour hike including the cargo net climb, atomic capsule placement, pipe and culvert obstacle challenge, a food station, blind maze, target shooting, and sling shot shoot.

In all, each activity kept them busy for 20 minutes prior to heading out into the dark to find the next location.

Luckily the weather held out and all were back to camp and in bed before the skies opened up for the early morning showers. Fortunately, the rain stopped in time for breakfast, hosted by the Trail Kiwanis members and all were treated to pancakes and sausages.

Following breakfast and a photo opportunity with the Kiwanis chefs, the closing ceremonies were conducted. With the threat of a thunder storm approaching, the winners of the challenge were announced before camp was closed.

It turned out to be a wonderful weekend and everyone is already looking forward to next year’s event.


To get out with Scouts, youth or adult, please call Heather Hamer for more information at 250-367-7453.